Map Ranking


World dominance
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day
Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Points per village
1 JokerQc MF 11.123 5 2225
2 Primos MF 7.024 3 2341
3 LordGaara OP 6.989 2 3495
4 Squa PG18 6.964 1 6964
5 Stenly. PG18 6.942 2 3471
6 tiny150 OP 6.582 1 6582
7 bdg1030 PG18 6.304 3 2101
8 Fawkes OP 6.013 2 3007
9 The Godfather PG18 5.945 4 1486
10 Sweeney MF 5.682 1 5682
11 HappyFace TBD 5.655 1 5655
12 lunchie MF 5.162 1 5162
13 LilGirth29 MF 5.048 1 5048
14 superbud333 OF 5.044 1 5044
15 LMXR MF 5.017 1 5017
16 Uncle Hub TICK 4.962 1 4962
17 Zhege PG18 4.679 1 4679
18 begri PG18 4.277 1 4277
19 MsEyes XB 4.038 1 4038
20 Lionsfan MF 4.029 1 4029
21 RedAlert MF 4.012 1 4012
22 Pope774 XB 3.928 1 3928
23 Aenima PK 3.750 1 3750
24 nickolas PG18 3.710 1 3710
25 iincinerate ODA 3.563 2 1782
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