Map Ranking

Two Piece

Tribe name:Two Piece
Number of members:19
Points of the best 20 players579.504
Total points:579.504
Average points:30.500
Opponents defeated: 7.159.886 (8.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
changeofpace 1 106,059 40 24
RuskiJim 2 61,933 62 11
Batman3052 3 52,643 71 6
ZachIsBoss8 4 49,613 75 8
irhads 5 46,307 81 7
Straw Hat 6 42,362 88 10
berleh.mobilindo 7 42,355 89 7
Asterios 8 36,591 100 8
El Papa 9 32,798 108 8
GaryTard 10 19,437 142 3
falkgearz 11 18,497 147 6
Fogart 12 17,152 155 7
bigtonk 13 14,312 167 5
Tower 14 13,393 170 4
Artoris 15 9,831 199 3
Papa 16 9,452 206 3
kylemister45 17 3,393 299 1
efmaj 18 3,376 300 1
SirCaleb38 19 0 624 0
The One Piece is Real