Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 1.527 (618.)
Tribe: FAFO

Villages (6) Coordinates Points
In Remission
544|536 6.270
In Remission 2
546|538 2.353
In Remission 3
543|535 2.289
In Remission 4
544|535 1.561
In Remission 5
538|546 384
In Remission 6
541|545 136
Personal picture
Personal text
"Gucci Gang Gucci Gang My Bih Love Propane" (Hank Hill)

flag-um Eagle Noises

I'm Diamond in Rocket League Duos

I Play Guitar guitar

Here to have fun and make friends!

Social achievements
Philanthropist (Bronze - Level 2)

Gift a Premium subscription to 5 different players.

Beloved Friend (Wood - Level 1)

Make a total of 5 friendships.

Achievements on other worlds
World 74

World 75

World 76